The different aspects of software development can be both a blessing and a curse: On the one hand I love creative problem solving, on the other hand I’m terrible at designing UIs.

Ever since I started getting into programming, I’ve worked on numerous private projects, most of which I’ve abandoned after a couple of weeks. The different reasons for abandonment were never technical but always design related - in my opinion the technical aspect of software development is somewhat easy (take this statement with a grain of salt).

I tend to get frustrated with the UI of the project I’m working on and am never satisfied with the result. I try to make sketches on paper, but they always end up looking bland, especially because I have a hard time translating my ideas to paper (this is a nice way of saying I’m terrible at drawing).

My software developer dream has always been to publish a well executed and nice looking application to the App Store. To finally overcome this internal hurdle of mine. Will I give up on it just yet? Definitely not. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll start working on a project which I’ll actually finish. Miracles might happen.