I’ve never been one to use To-Do apps. If I want to get things done, I prefer to write handwritten lists. This process makes me more aware of my tasks and current progress. I’ve tried to get myself to use popular To-Do apps for years because if it works for others, it obviously has to work for me. Unsurprisingly, I’ve never sticked to a single one. I easily lose track of my progress and have no actual visualisation of my end goal.

I only add tasks to To-Do apps whenever I actively remind myself which usually only happens once: directly after I’ve downloaded the app. The result is at least one (neglected) To-Do app on my iPhone at all times which I’m too embarrassed to uninstall.

Maybe it’s me. Maybe it’s the apps. Or maybe I just haven’t found the right one. But I’ve given up on To-Do apps (for now). They don’t work for me.